Project Title Empower to Plan (E2P)
Overview Engaging men and boys in family planning (FP) and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) can improve their own lives and those of their intimate partners, families, and communities. Evidence shows that engaging men and boys in FP/SRH programs can decrease unintended pregnancy, improve maternal health, reduce sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS, and advance gender. There is very little effort been made to engage men and boys in FP/SRH programs. Programs often emphasize on the benefits of engaging men and boys as supportive partners of women and girls but do not meaningfully engage them as clients or users themselves or as agents of change for gender equality.
Achievements To facilitate community elders, Men and boys peer groups playing an increasingly focal role in challenging and preventing violence against women and girls in their communities by challenging social norms, attitudes and practices related to SRH and family planning
To encourage men and boys supporting the safety and dignity of young women and girls in 2 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and have better understanding, knowledge and attitude in relation to SRH/FP and violence against women and girls
To enhance the ability of girls and young women, boys and men aged 13-24 obtaining comprehensive abortion care and prevention of teenage pregnancy
Project Title Breaking Barriers: Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management in Pakistan
Overview The "Breaking Barriers" project focuses on improving menstrual health and hygiene management in Pakistan. The project aims to address the social, cultural, and economic barriers that hinder menstrual health and hygiene, and promote awareness, education, and access to menstrual hygiene products and facilities. It works towards creating an environment where menstruation is no longer a taboo and where every person can manage their menstrual health with dignity and comfort.
Achievements Increased Awareness and Education: The project has successfully increased awareness and understanding of menstrual health and hygiene among individuals, communities, and schools. This has led to a reduction in stigma and increased acceptance of menstruation as a natural and normal bodily process.
Improved Access to Menstrual Hygiene Products: The project has worked towards improving access to menstrual hygiene products in underserved areas. Through partnerships with local manufacturers and NGOs, it has ensured the availability of affordable and quality menstrual hygiene products, enabling individuals to manage their menstrual health effectively.
Establishment of Safe and Hygienic Facilities: The project has advocated for and supported the establishment of safe and hygienic facilities for menstrual hygiene management in schools, workplaces, and public spaces. This has created a supportive environment for menstruating individuals to manage their periods with dignity, privacy, and comfort.
Community Engagement and Empowerment: The project has fostered community engagement and empowerment through awareness campaigns, community discussions, and capacity-building activities. It has empowered community members to challenge cultural taboos, advocate for menstrual health and hygiene, and support the rights and well-being of menstruating individuals.
Policy Influence: The project has actively engaged in policy advocacy to prioritize menstrual health and hygiene management in national and local policies. It has contributed to the development of policies that recognize the importance of menstrual health and hygiene, leading to improved government commitments and support in this area.
Project Title Building girl’s conceptual understanding about their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)
Overview Menstruation is an integral and normal part of human life, indeed of human existence, and menstrual hygiene is fundamental to the dignity and wellbeing of women and girls and an important part of the basic hygiene, sanitation and reproductive health services to which every woman and girl has a right.
Achievements 3000 Adolescent girls and community members enabled to recognize, understand and claim their bodily rights as well as resist all discriminatory practices.
3000 rural school girls Knowledge and awareness created on menstrual hygiene management among schools and pupils in selected schools
100 Lady Health Workers and teachers in each target districts trained to build capacity of
Reach out to more than 20000 girl students in the target districts.
Project Title Promotion of Vaccination During Childhood
Overview Immunization is the most cost-effective and highest-impact health intervention that reduces hospitalization and treatment costs through prevention. Despite the government's efforts and the EPI functioning for nearly 25 years in Pakistan, the vaccination status of children under 5 is still unsatisfactory. Utilization is higher when vaccination centers are easily accessible, have minimal administrative barriers and provide good quality care.
Achievements 10 drama teams of schools facilitated to prepare plays about diagnosis and treatment of diseases which are preventable through vaccination in early childhood i.e. polio, measles, etc.
500 daily radio spots aired to break stigma and increase community awareness on importance of vaccination by community health workers
100 Community Health Workers trained for community outreach to carry out health educations on importance of child vaccination in schools, homes and among the general community
30 formal partnerships with health centers created to carry out case detection and referring suspects to higher health centers for diseases (polio, measles, etc.) screening