Project Title Jamhoortiat Zama Haq - Strengthening Democracy at Grass-roots
Overview This initiative is a short project that will be spread over a span of twelve months to push forward an initiative taken by “The Awakening” and civil society organizations to become a source of mobilization, imparting information and knowledge on the issues related to the political process and of issues in good governance
Achievements Elected Representatives Trained: 200
Young Leaders Trained: 500
Action based Advocacy initiatives: 20
Media Personnel Trained: 25
Women Councilors Trained: 100
Political Aspirants Trained: 500
Project Title Youth Empowerment for Democratic Leadership and Good Governance
Overview The "Youth Empowerment for Democratic Leadership and Good Governance" project aims to empower young individuals to actively participate in democratic processes, promote good governance, and develop leadership skills. The project focuses on providing training, mentorship, and opportunities for youth to engage in civic and political activities, fostering a generation of informed and responsible leaders.e
Achievements Leadership Skill Development: The project has successfully provided leadership training and mentorship to young individuals, equipping them with essential skills such as communication, negotiation, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Participants have reported increased confidence and effectiveness in their roles as leaders and advocates.

Civic Education and Political Awareness: The project has increased civic education and political awareness among young participants. Through workshops, seminars, and educational resources, youth have gained a deeper understanding of democratic principles, governance structures, and their rights and responsibilities as active citizens.

Increased Political Engagement: The project has encouraged and facilitated youth participation in political processes. Participants have engaged in activities such as voter registration drives, political campaigns, community organizing, and policy advocacy, leading to increased youth representation and involvement in decision-making processes.

Policy Influence: The project has successfully influenced policy discussions and decision-making processes by advocating for youth-friendly policies. Youth participants have contributed to the development and implementation of policies that address the needs and concerns of young people, promoting inclusive governance and youth empowerment.

Youth Networks and Platforms: The project has facilitated the creation of networks and platforms for young leaders to connect, collaborate, and share experiences. These networks have enabled youth to build coalitions, exchange ideas, and support each other's initiatives, fostering a sense of unity and collective action among youth leaders.
Project Title Strengthening Grassroots Organization about Government Legislation affecting civil society organizations
Overview In Pakistan Civil Society Organizations face harsh restrictions and human rights defenders dwell under hostile environment especially those working on human rights, Rule of law and Government Accountability works for human rights. It is important that the government recognizes the role of civil society and promotes a culture of cooperation and trust. Pace for a progressive Pakistan is shrinking. Those who espouse enlightened values of human rights, women’s empowerment, labor rights, rights of the marginalized communities, ethnicities and areas are finding themselves on the wrong side of the coercive machinery of the state.
Achievements Equip members of the CSOs and human rights defenders with skills that shall enable them to enhance efficiency of their work and ensure better individual protection through improved personal capacities and familiarity of handling situations of crisis and threat;

Create a viable national coalition of CSOs and HRDs that will strengthen the voice of individual HRDs, provide protection in situations of immediate threat; and

Present a Position Paper/Charter of Demand to the parliamentarians to make suggestions for changes in legislation and give policy level input at the national and provincial level.
Project Title Accountability and Good Governance programme - AWAAZ Programme
Overview AAWAZ is a voice and accountability programme that aims is “stable, inclusive and tolerant democracy in Pakistan” with a focus result of “democratic processes in Pakistan are more open, inclusive and accountable to citizens” specially focused on women and minority religious groups.
Achievements 100 Awareness raising initiatives with AAWAZ Village Forums and local communities on Women Political Participation
2 Aawaz Agahi Centre established
5 Orientation and Trainings of Village Forums to identify and address disputes at local level Facilitate/Follow up on conflict resolution process at village level
20 Awareness raising initiatives with AAWAZ UC Forums to sensitize on local conflicts
20 Orientation and Trainings of Village Forums to monitor and oversight social services
Coordinate with social services outlets to develop plans for the improvements of services
20 Awareness raising initiatives with UC Forums
5 Organize and conduct Khuli Kachehri at UC level
Project Title Women Empowerment in Leadership Development for Democratization
Overview To enhance capacity of women groups in leadership, self confidence, pro women laws
Achievements 250 women trained in leadership, self-confidence, pro women laws, Protection Services to Women Victims of Violence, Abuse and Exploitation
10 Women Groups formed
6 meetings with Duty Bearers
10 Trainings on role of media in increasing political participation of youth and women
Project Title Project Title Strengthen Youth Organizations in Pakistan – Democracy, Facilitation & Advocacy Skills
Overview To increase participation of youth, women and minorities in civil society organizations, local Government, general elections and accountability processes
To improve understanding and build capacity of civil society, particularly youth, women and religious minority-led organization, on democracy and advocacy skills for good governance in Districts Swat and
To mobilize youth, women & minorities and their organizations to actively participate in democratic processes i.e. formulation of provincial youth policies, democracy forums, local
Achievements To get on board and train 25 Master Trainers on democracy; training and advocacy skills through Master Trainers will further build the capacity of 25 civil society representatives through cascade workshops on democracy in District Swat