Project Title Bees for Development – Increasing Women Economic Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming
Overview District Swat is a region in Pakistan with great resources and potential, and is famous for its natural beauty. Beekeeping is a long-standing practice in the farming communities of District Swat. It plays a significant role as source of alternative income and nutrition for many subsistence farmers. The beekeeping potential of the region is attributed to the presence of different flora. The climatic condition of the region is also blessed with two flora seasons, spring and fall. This area remains highly neglected in terms of poor socio-economic indicators. This region has been affected by several man-made and natural disasters in the last 15 years. Women's social interaction and participation in the local economy have been affected by these recurring disasters. Due to the changing situation in the region triggered by militancy and then followed by devastating flood, the source of income for the poor beekeepers has been crippled.
Achievements 50 women trained in honey bee farming and Imparted value chain development training
50 beehives and production kits distributed
5 women business groups formed
Support in market linkages Training on Financial Literacy
Income of the beekeepers increased by 30%
Project Title AgriBusiness Support Project
Overview Agriculture is the mainstay of Pakistan’s economy. Nearly 22% of the total output and 44.8% of the total employment are generated in agriculture, and 65.9% of the country’s population living in rural areas is directly or indirectly linked with agriculture for their livelihood. It contributes substantially to the country’s exports. Agriculture also contributes to growth as a supplier of the raw material to industry as well as market for industrial products. Despite the backbone of the economy of Pakistan, agricultural sector is still suffering from many problems. Horticulture as a major sub sector of agriculture not only makes a major contribution to the foreign exchange earnings of the country but it also meet the fruits and vegetables demand of the local population. Horticultural products have enormous potential in terms of quality and quantity of the produce, but itself it is facing problems not only in the production process but also after harvest. The major problems at the post-harvest level are high post-harvest losses up to i.e. 25 to 40 percent, narrow base of exportable products, low market prices, high production costs, difficulties in maintaining quality at the destinations, inadequate local and international market information, research on Pre- and Post-harvest is either not commercialized or limited due to Infrastructure problems
Achievements The capacity of small farmer enterprises to operate autonomously and effectively
10 Farmer Enterprise Groups (FEGs) Formation
10 Trainings for building the capacity of FEGs in enterprise development, Financial literacy, adaptation of new farming techniques and technological innovation
Formation of Clusters & Apex Bodies
Project Title Community Empowerment through Livelihood Support
Overview In district Swat agriculture including livestock rearing is the primary source of employment, where 85% of the population is involved in agriculture. It can be safely said that the livelihood of around 1.5 million people of this conflict affected district (six in every 10 persons) is directly linked to agriculture. Self-employed individuals, largely comprising owner cultivators and shop owners/small traders, account for the largest share of employment. Self-employment accounts for almost 60 percent of employment in rural areas of affected areas, reflecting the importance of agriculture and livestock-rearing, while paid employment in private and public sector dominates employment in urban areas.
Achievements Cash Grants of Rs. 20,000 to each household were distributed among 50 vulnerable beneficiaries to rehabilitate their local livelihoods.
04 pavements were constructed and
14 Solar Panel Street Lights were installed
Kitchen Gardening trainings organized for 50 beneficiaries
Vertical Faming technique training given to 50 beneficiaries
Agricultural inputs supports were provided to 50 affected farmers in selected union councils.
(Detail of agriculture inputs per beneficiary are as under)
Onion Tomato Seed, Urea, Peas seeds, Agriculture Tools (2 hand hoe,1 sickle,1 small weeding and hoeing digger,1 land fork,1 spade and 1 matox).