Project Title Bridging the Barriers - Inclusion of Transgender Community in Flood Relief and Response
Overview Transgender individuals face numerous challenges during floods, including discrimination, limited access to basic necessities, and restricted access to healthcare. Discrimination and stigma can result in transgender individuals being turned away from relief centers, denied access to services, and subjected to violence and harassment. The project aims to build a robust coordination and protection mechanism in order to make the 2022 flood’s relief and response mechanism more responsive to the needs of Transgender community. The project aims to contribute towards the inclusion of Transgender community in flood relief and response, with greater recognition and protection of the rights of Transgender community
Achievements Flood relief and response national efforts are anchored in a human-rights based approach, where a person’s sexual or gender identity is not a barrier to receiving the assistance and opportunities needed to receive relief support and recover from a disaster.
Transgender community actively engaged in flood relief and response action plan development and implementation.
Government and international humanitarian organizations are implementing inclusive Transgender Flood Disaster Response and Relief policies as well as ensuring active engagement with local level and grassroots communities in flood affected areas.
Gender segregated data collection and analysis to create evidence on exclusion/inclusion of Transgender persons in humanitarian response has been started and informing policy development for inclusive long-term Disaster Response and Relief strategies in Pakistan
Inclusive humanitarian strategies, policies, and programming by the government and humanitarian organizations working on flood relief and response.
Project Title Legislative Policy Analysis on Women’s and Girls’ Rights
Overview The project seeks to increase Pakistani women’s and girls’ rights and to advance gender equality in Pakistan by strengthening the individual and collective capacity of women’s rights organizations (WROs), women’s rights experts and coalitions within the women’s movement.
Achievements Conducted a comprehensive research on policy gap analysis in pro women legislation
To analyze in detail, the pro women legislation and study the pro-women legislation related to Honor Crimes, Domestic Violence and Child marriages in Malakand Division (Former PATA) for their shortcomings to identify the gaps in legislative policies and their remedial measures.
Increased effectiveness of national and sub-national women’s rights platforms, networks and alliances to effect gender-sensitive policy change and implementation in Pakistan
Project Title Stand As My Witness Campaign
Overview In Pakistan Civil Society Organizations face harsh restrictions and human rights defenders dwell under hostile environment especially those working on human rights, Rule of law and Government Accountability works for human rights. It is important that the government recognizes the role of civil society and promotes a culture of cooperation and trust. Pace for a progressive Pakistan is shrinking. Those who espouse enlightened values of human rights, women’s empowerment, labor rights, rights of the marginalized communities, ethnicities and areas are finding themselves on the wrong side of the coercive machinery of the state.
Achievements To equip human rights defenders with skills in various fields that shall enable them to enhance efficiency of their work and ensure better individual protection through improved personal capacities and familiarity of handling situations of crisis and threat;
To create a viable national coalition of HRDs in that will strengthen the voice of individual HRDs, provide protection in situations Pakistan of immediate threat; and
To explore the potential of enhanced networking and collaboration between defenders, their national coalition for better protection of human rights defenders and higher efficiency in human rights work.
Project Title Project Title Enhancing Digital Security of HRDs
Overview The digital age has brought numerous opportunities for human rights defenders (HRDs) to advocate for their causes and connect with like-minded individuals globally. However, it has also exposed them to new threats and risks in the digital realm. This project aims to address the digital security challenges faced by HRDs and enhance their ability to operate safely and effectively in the online environment.
Achievements Increased Digital Security Awareness: HRDs will have an improved understanding of digital security risks and best practices, enabling them to adopt appropriate measures to protect themselves online.
Strengthened Technical Skills: HRDs will develop technical skills in digital security, enabling them to implement advanced measures and protect their digital identities, communications, and data.
Support Networks: HRDs will have access to support networks and resources that provide guidance, assistance, and peer support in addressing digital security challenges
Project Title Protecting Women Legal Rights by Lobbying with Government for extension of women friendly legislation to Provincially Administered Tribal Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan.
Overview The dominant culture in Pakistan is patriarchal, especially so in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where many traditions not only validate violence against women e.g. early age marriage, domestic violence, but also in bartering women’s lives for the sake of honor. As we live in PATA most of the women friendly legislation since 2006 has not been extended to PATA which has created a gap and the perpetrators continue to violate rights of women as there are no laws so they roam around freely. Harmful customary practices against women and girls in Pakistan are the pillars of patriarchal architecture based on the historically misplaced notion of supremacy of men. Customs and traditions are used as convenient tools to make women subservient, bodily and mentally. Through the centuries, “honor” killings have become deeply rooted in cultural and social norms not just in rural District Swat but around Pakistan.
For the past three years “The Awakening” has been collecting data from newspapers, news channels, network members and other stakeholders on the incidences of violence against women in District Swat and launches its report on annual basis by the name “Status of Violence against Women in District Swat”. In the recent past the incidence of so called Honor crimes has increased to an extraordinary level and in the year 2015 60 women were murdered in the name of honor while 100 attempted suicide. In the year 2016, 50 women have been murdered in the name of Honor along with 3 men. These figures has raise to 48 since January 2017 to November 2017.
Achievements Research based evidence conducted from male and female members of the targeted communities
10 Parliamentarians showing will for the promotion of women rights and extension of women friendly legislation to PATA
Charter of demands presented to parliamentarian of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government.
Provincial level Consultation Seminars with Parliamentarians:
Formation of Lobbying Delegation and its meetings:
70 Key Informant Interviews:
3 Round Table Dialogues
Project Title Women Empowerment by Organizing first ever Women Fair (Durkhanai Mela) in District Swat
Achievements 500 women participated in the Durkhanai Mela
30 Women Entrepreneurs displayed about their businesses and business ideas
Project Title Project Title Peace Building and Trauma Healing
Overview The project focus on providing training and education to conflict affected youth and women on conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peace-building , trauma healing and psychosocial counseling to the local working and non working women in Swat region.
Achievements Men Support Groups Formed: 25
Women Peace Committees Formed: 25
Human Rights Defenders Forum: 50
Community Women Trained: 500
Lady Health Workers Trained: 150
Female Teachers Trained: 100
Men Trained: 550
Project Title STOP Early and Forced Marriage – Save Girl Child
Overview Early and child marriage are directly attributable to deep-rooted gender inequalities, traditional practices, and customs. Forced and early Child marriage, which steals the innocence of millions of girls worldwide and often condemns them to lives of poverty, ignorance and poor health, is one of the biggest obstacles to development.
Achievements 1000 community members are directly aware and realizing the child marriage issue among various targeted sections of society and understanding how early child marriages impact the life of girl children and the lack of protective laws or the failure to enforce them impacts the live of adolescent girls.
50 Prayer Leaders aware and working to develop and communicate messages regarding child marriage prevention through sermons.
100 adolescent girl’s enabled as advocates emerging in leadership roles to better safeguard the rights of girl child.
8 members of the parliament aware and sensitize about importance and need of amendment to the Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929
100 Civil Society Organization members aware, sensitize and raising their voice about importance and need of amendment to the Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929
Draft presented in the KPK Provincial Assembly that the minimum age of marriage for a girl should be 18 years.
Project Title United for Transgender Rights - Mobilizing for Change
Introduction The Transgender suffer a lot of discrimination , harassment and stigma of sinner this is because of the mind setup of the people of the area which is developed in such a manner in this religious patriarchal society and that they have developed a very different perspective of being a man and towards masculinity. “The Awakening” being member of the Men Engage Pakistan Alliance will utilize this platform to give recognition to the transgender of District Swat and raise their voice.
Achievements Seminar:
Networking to provide a platform to the transgender to mark their existence in the society as human beings with equal human rights
2 Consultative Session organized to take the transgender community into confidence and to organize them to raise their voice against the injustice they face in their daily lives.
2 Capacity Building initiatives of the Transgender groups:
3 Focus Groups Discussions conducted
Project Title Formation and Strengthening of Women Groups at grass root level
Introduction The general grant support from GFW supported “The Awakening” in working at the grass-root level and identifies issues and problems of women being faced by them.
Achievements 20 Women Groups formed 6 meetings with Duty Bearers
2 Trainings on role of media in increasing political participation of youth and women
20 Community session on Peace building with male community members
20 Community session on Peace building with female community
Capacity building of 200 members of Women Peace Committee on peace building, mediation, conflict management, conflict resolution
Formation of Khwendo Jirga
Project Title Campaign against Anti Women Practices – Say NO to SWARA – A Social Evil
Overview Violence against women is often accepted, ignored or even expected – this is an injustice and silence against violence further perpetuates it. “The Awakening” has been involved in working on improving situation of women and girls rights in District Swat. SWARA is a un Islamic practice and violation of human rights.
Achievements 125 community elders, prayer leaders, teachers, youths were educated about the rights of women
5 Jirgas 237 community members were educated about practice of SWARA
5 Schools seminars 1650 students were educated in order to rationalize and prevent the practice of SWARA in future generations
Project Title STOP Violence Against Women
Overview The project focused on the initiation of awareness among the women about their rights and involving men to form a gender balance society and to build and strengthen the capacity of local woman who is not aware of her. This project provided the women of District Swat with a platform to raise their voice and will help them to play their role in women rights awareness.
Achievements 1. 400 men and women aware directly about gender equality, CEDAW, UDHR
2. 5 women Community Based Organizations formed in the project area
3. Capacity built of women CBOs in (Basic community management skills, Managerial skills , leadership, confidence building and effective communication skills)
4. Publishing IEC materials on Human Rights
5. Involvement of Prayer Leader(IMAMS)/Religious Scholars in such activities
Project Title Training on Election (2013) Violence Monitoring
Overview The project focused on continued oversight of electoral processes and evidence-based research for improved enforcement of existing statutes for encouraged public debate, dialogue and discourse to strengthen pro-democracy narrative in the country and minimize election violence by building capacity of Youth and Media Personnel for election violence monitoring
Achievements 5 youth groups formed in District Swat, Malakand, Chitral, Kohat, Peshawar
200 Journalists trained in Digital Security and use of ICT in election violence monitoring
250 youth trained in Digital Security and use of ICT in election violence monitoring
Overview The project in its entirety is based on the project learnings, good practices and is away forward to carry forward the mission to end child marriages in the rural tribal areas of Pakistan. Grasped in the clutches of stringent religious, family and tribal customs, the majority of these innocent girls generally become victims of neglect, which is mostly the result of discrimination against them in favor of their male siblings. From the start of their lives, girls are treated as the weaker sex. Due to society’s mindset, they are forced to live a life of submission, capitulation and acquiescence
Achievements 3500 community members are directly aware and realizing the child marriage issue among various targeted sections of society and understanding how early child marriages impact the life of girl children and the lack of protective laws or the failure to enforce them impacts the live of adolescent girls and to change the mindset and traditions of our conservative society.
100 adolescent girls enabled as advocates emerging in leadership roles to better safeguard the rights of girl child and raise awareness on girl’s safety, legal rights and other issues central to girls’ empowerment and contribute to the Pakistani women’s movement by adding to existing bodies of knowledge on women’s status in Pakistan
1500 Adolescent girls and community members enabled to recognize, understand and claim their bodily rights as well as resist all discriminatory practices.
Project Title From Awareness to Action – Building Feminist Leaders
Overview The project empower the vulnerable and disenfranchised girls in rural areas of Khyber PakhtunKhwa, Pakistan by building feminist leadership, advances for Girls human rights, advocate and mobilize for gender equality and social justice.
Achievements Girls rights violation issues are lobbied with evidence based on research for policy change
100 adolescent girls trained as advocates for change emerging in leadership roles to better safeguard the rights of girl child and raise awareness on girl’s safety, legal rights and other issues central to girls’ empowerment
50 media personnel engaged to influence policy and legal framework for formulation/change and implementation
1 Joint Statement and a draft of action plan is shared with the legislators in improving the lives of adolescent girls
50 Religious community enabled to develop and communicate culturally sensitive messages regarding child marriage prevention.
Project Title Rights of Expression, Association, Assembly and Thought (REAT) Network
Overview Minority rights, a neglected arena of Government of Pakistan for the last three decades. This discrimination towards minority rights is embedded and directly linked to the widespread inequality in the country. Time and now minority communities especially women have complained about lack of proper facilities and protection from state departments and community. The main purpose is to Increase the protection and promotion of rights of Expression, Assembly, Association and Thought (REAT) including religious freedoms in Pakistan through establishment of Early Warning System and policy advocacy at all levels.
Achievements Formative research on REAT Issues
National, Provincial and District wise situational analysis/ Baseline development
Formation of HRD delegation
Lobbying with Media and political parties and line agencies at provincial and national
Formation of Provincial working groups with Ministry
Consultation meeting with HRD Delegation
An Early Warning System for Strengthening/consolidation and expansion of Referral system established in District Swat
Helpline established