the best options for you

Values reflect our sense of right and wrong. They help us grow and develop


We value local expertise and knowledge; we are immersed in the social, political, environmental, and economic realities where we work. Our approach is centered on the catalytic role that individuals, communities, and governments play in the development of their societies.


We believe in the importance of myriad views and perspectives; we encourage inclusive dialogue to help ensure everyone has a seat at the table. Our mission, people, and programs are defined by our commitment to equality, particularly for women and other marginalized populations.

Innovative, agile thinking

We value fresh, original ideas and we are known for our ability to identify and respond rapidly to issues and events affecting the places where we work.

Trust, accountability, and partnershi

We value collaboration and believe that working closely with forward-thinking leaders can improve lives, governance, and policies. Our operations and programs reflect the integrity and dedication of our staff of development professionals.